Journey Notes

“We write to taste life twice, in the moment and in retrospection.” Anais Nin

I started writing The Good in York City blog in March. I had barely read another blog and had certainly never written my own. This season, I have collected pages and pages of raw material to be crunched, cajoled and crafted into blog pieces. The blog has taken me on adventures I’d otherwise miss out on. The blog takes me to the people. It takes me to the programs. It takes me to the issues. The blog takes me to the city I’ve grown to love.

I’ve been working in York City for more than a decade. The work has taken me into the back alleys and to the hood.  I’ve spent the light of day and the dark of night in the city.

Snowy streets. Sweltering days. Leaves blowing. Sirens sounding.

I’m not new to the city, but writing this blog affords me the opportunity to see the city in a new way.

Seeing all that I’ve seen and knowing all that I know about York City, compels me to write it down and shine a light on the good that this city is filled with. I feel like I’ve barely scratched the surface of the good therein.

One Response to “Journey Notes”

  1. Shawn Says:

    Keep shining!!

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